Saturday, September 22, 2007


This adoration was amazing! Well, God made it so! At first, I had a difficulty to really accept that he is so loving, so merciful! When I got to know the title of the adoration, it still didn’t hit home! But then tonight I just got it! My sins are forgiven! And I really felt God telling me to forgive myself and start afresh! I must accept myself as I am and accept the fact that I’m forgiven! His blood just washes us totally and we can forget all our sins and let him love us! I think it’s not because we’re someone different from the others (as in we’re higher than all the other people) but cause he’s so amazingly good! So I encourage everyone to do the decision to let God love us and wash us! After I decided that. I felt so so free and thankful! Aleluiah to God.

Maria Angela

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